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Chicago, IL    Sarasota, FL    Crystal Lake, IL

CSR Consulting

CSR Consulting

Free Consultations  |  Certified Financial Planner 

Free Consultations
Locally Owned
Certified Financial Planner on Staff

(847) 980-7746     (773) 867-8665

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Consulting

Companies around the world are beginning to recognize the strategic, financial, and competitive advantages associated with superior sustainability performance. Johnson Private Wealth Management works with companies to raise their CSR Score and integrate ESG values into their business plan. Below are examples of how JPWM may help your company.

Integrating Sustainable Investing into Retirement Plans

Companies may improve the employee component of their CSR scores by integrating sustainable investing into their retirement plans. This includes 401k, 403b, 457, and pension plans. To learn how sustainable investment options may complement traditional investment options within your company’s 401k plan, without foregoing fiduciary responsibility, call us at (773) 867-8665.

How Sustainable is Your Company’s 401k Line-Up Relative to the S&P 500?

JPWM has created a proprietary Sustainability Scorecard which calculates the sustainability of corporate 401k plans. Call us to schedule an evaluation.

Monetizing Land Assets

Monetizing idle land assets may improve CSR Score. Idle land may qualify for federal, Farm Bill, or state level programs, which may produce favorable long-term income or short-term financial gain while benefiting wildlife habitat and people. Different programs offer different benefits. Some of the environmental benefits are:
  • Reduce erosion and sediment
  • Improve wildlife habitat
  • Reduce the impact of floods
  • Improve water quality
  • Improve the environment for aquatic life
  • Improve air quality

Private Land Conservation Easements

Learn about the long-term benefits of private conservation easements.

Non-Profit Conservation Partners

JPWM believes every company should have a conservation partner. Our goal is to find a suitable, highly rated, non-profit conservation partner for all our corporate clients. We believe having a conservation partner may provide sustainable related benefits for years to come.

Barbara Johnson, founder of JPWM, has a long history working with conservation organizations throughout the country. She was appointed to the Illinois Conservation Foundation board in 2012 by Governor Quinn, and then again in 2015 by Governor Rauner. She was also an At-Large Board Director for Ducks Unlimited from 2009-2013, during which she co-chaired the Conservation Programs Committee and was the recipient of the 2009 “Wings of Innovation” Award. Barbara served on the board of the American Land Conservancy in San Francisco during 2008 and 2009.

Barbara has also implemented conservation programs on her own private land.

Schedule your appointment today

(773) 867-8665

(773) 867-8665

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Johnson Private Wealth Management LLC

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